Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Introduction About Theology of Muhammadiyah

    Muhammadiyah as a reformist Islamic movements in Indonesia, and one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, clearly have the great struggle in the history of the past to the present. Muhammadiyah outline struggle in education, is very large, it can be found in  Indonesian scene ranging from the smallest to the largest. Muhammadiyah Social movements that fought in various fields of social good to others it is not imaginary into studies that need to be calculated and developed ideas to be distributed to future leaders as well as other general audience.
    study this time we are trying to convey simply about Theology of Muhammadiyah, this study is not a simple study that can be described in simple submission at this time. But on this occasion, we would like to give a small reaction in order to attract the attention of future leaders and observers about Muhammadiyah, especially in terms ofl theology that is still very little known even by people in the organization of society itself.
    But in this case, is not enough to discuss Islamic movement as just ordinary movement, certainly the spirit which is embedded in Islamic organizations, there are theological spirit struggled not just concern for the world's life only, the arena of struggle itself, does not mean only to expanded authority, or get a ration of public in Indonesia only but for universal goodness.
    Not easy to formulate precisely "Theology" Muhammadiyah. But it can be assumed, Muhammadiyah theology is a sort of mix between "Conception Kalam" (Theology) Muhammadiyah with the perspective of modernity. Before discussing the political theology of Muhammadiyah., Let us discuss religious theology in this organization, in a review about concept of  theology Muhammadiyah. I took the assessment in outline by Azyurmadi Azra.
    For many observers Deliar Noer and thereafter, the perspective of modernity is very prominent in Muhammadiyah, so Muhammadiyah organization, often referred to as a modernist. In fact in certain respects theology of Muhammadiyah starts from a basic view which has a strong affinity with modernity, but on the other hand, theology of Muhammadiyah also not fully compatible with modernity.
   Arbiyah lubis in his dissertation proved, that the whole issue of Theology. Muhammadiyah, does not follow the theology of Abduh at all, further after comparing the theology of Abduh and Muhammadiyah. Lubis concluded that there was no similarity between both of them. If the theology of Abduh is rational and closer to the Theology of Mu'tazila system, otherwise traditional theology is a theology of Muhammadiyah and therefore closer to the theology of Asyariah system.
   Viewed in terms of Ijtihad and Taqlid, theology of Muhammadiyah basically, at least in the field of "socio-religious" is a column of modernity, or the more popular term "theology of Modernity" This fact is not surprising, because the figures are a source of inspiration theological Muhammadiyah is a modernist thinkers
   By not adopting rational theology of Abduh and instead emphasize on theology of salafiyah, Muhammadiyah thinkers often spared from criticism of "neo tradisonalisme". such as Seyyed Hossein Nasser who assume that modernist thinkers and they developed a modernist theology responsible for the westernization in Muslim society. Instead Muhammadiyah should be proud, that Muhammadiyah is keepers of the original and pure Islam as practiced by the salaf.

   Therefore, the emphasis of the Muhammadiyah Islamic modernism, which is aimed at purification and ijtihad, as well as the rejection of taqlid is almost no doubt in many cases. So we can see clearly, this is an underlying movement of purification of Muhammadiyah in the struggle for Islam in Indonesia. in a modern purpose to Muhammadiyah movement called modernist or reformer, also done for the sake adjustment of Muhammadiyah against the evolving era
    Muhammadiyah such a way that it feels can be relied upon for continue to defend Islam, as the important thing to hold strong by the Muslims it all. Reinforcement continuously carried out by Muhammadiyah through theology movement will continue fought for. Because it has become thing that does Muhammadiyah as a great movement in Indonesia who possess the important role to be able for carry the progress of Islam, especially in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah become main determinant of future foundation whether Islam Indonesia increased or decreased later.

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