Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

TRACKING HISTORY of IMM (Muhammadiyah Students Association) PART 1

   the establishment of Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) can not be separated to do with the history of Muhammadiyah, and can be considered in line with the establishment of Muhammadiyah factor itself. This means that each of the Muhammadiyah do, is a manifestation of the desire to meet the aspirations in accordance with the will of Muhammadiyah.

   In addition, the establishment of IMM also respond on the problems of the people in this nation's history at the beginning of the establishment of IMM, so the presence of IMM is actually a historical necessity. Factors problematic in that people issues among others are as follows (Farid Fathoni, 1990: 102):

 1. The situation of the nation unstable, authoritarian government and a single-round, as well as the threat of communism in Indonesia.

 2. Divided-dimpled Muslims in the form of mutual suspicion and slander, as well as the political life of Muslims is worse.

 3. The life of the campus (students) are oriented to political interests

 4. There weaknesses of religious life in the form of the decline of morals, and the growing materialism-individualism

 5. least coaching and religious education in the campus, as well as the strength of the secular atmosphere of campus life

 6. Still imprint oppression of colonial imperialism in the form of backwardness, ignorance, and poverty

 7. There are still many practices paced life heresy, superstition, even kesyi Rikan, as well as increasing missionaries-Christianization

 8. The economic, social, political deteriorating

   With this background, the real passion to accommodate and nurture students, from among Muhammadiyah has started long ago. The spirit has actually grown with the desire to establish university MuhammadiyahMuhammadiyah at the Congress in Batavia quarter century of Muhammadiyah. Jakarta 1936. At that time, Muhammadiyah chaired by KH. Hisham (period 1934-1937). The desire is very logical and realistic, because Muhammadiyah increasingly large family with sons and daughters who are in the completion of secondary education. In addition, Muhammadiyah also has many charitable efforts have secondary education.

   The idea of coaching cadre in the student environment in the form of mobilization and formation adatah directly aligned with the will of the founder of Muhammadiyah, KH. A. Dahlan, who advised that "one of you will be there to be a doctor, Master, engineers, but returned to the Muhammadiyah" (Suara Muhammadiyah, No. 6 of the 68th, || March 1988, page 19). Thereby, since the beginning of Muhammadiyah've thought that the young cadres must have a strong Islamic base by returning to Muhammadiyah.

   in 1961 (towards the Half Century of Muhammadiyah Congress in Jakarta) Student Congress held in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (at that time, Muhammadiyah already has eleven university scattered in various cities). At that moment, the idea of establishing IMM rolled out with a vengeance. The desire was not only from students at the University of Muhammadiyah, but also from among the university students of non-Muhammadiyah. by the time it was born Muhammadiyah Propagation Institute, coordinated by Margono (UGM, engineers.), Sudibyo Markus (UGM, dr.), Rosyad Saleh (IAIN, Drs.), while the idea of establishment from Djazman al-Kindi (UGM, Drs.) ,

   In 1963 carried out assessments to establish a Muhammadiyah students formally by Muhammadiyah Propagation Institute sponsored by Djasmanal-Kindi who was then serving as Secretary of the Central Executive Pemuda Muhammadiyah. Thereby, Muhammadiyah Propagation Institute (which are mainly operated by students Yogyakarta) which is the embryo of the establishment IMM, with the formation of the Local IMM Yogyakarta.

   Three months after the assessment, Muhammadiyah formalized the establishment of Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) on the 29th of Shawwal 1384 AH or March 14, 1964 M. The signing of the Charter of Incorporation of Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) conducted Chairman of Muhammadiyah at that time, namely KHA. Badawi. IMM inauguration reception held at the House Dinoto, Yogyakarta

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